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St. Philip's Church Harlem


The basic responsibilities of the Vestry is to help define and articulate the mission of the congregation; to support the church's mission by word and deed, to select the Rector, to ensure effective organization, to plan, and to manage resources and finances.


St. Philip’s has eleven Vestry members.  The Vestry is the legal representative of the parish with regard to all matters pertaining to its corporate property. There are eleven Vestry members plus Rector who is its presiding officer. Our Vestry has two wardens - a senior warden who leads the parish between Rectors and is a support person for the Rector and a junior warden with responsibilities deemed appropriate for ongoing church operations.  The Vestry also includes the positions of treasurer and secretary/clerk.


There are two standing committees.  Building and Grounds chaired by a Vestry member, and Finance, for which both a Vestry member, Treasurer and a parishioner are co-chairs

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Louise Hannibal-Boyce

Charles E. Williams, III, Esq



Geneva Chase


Asst Treasurer

Rita Livingston



Beverly Brown


Vestry Members

Neal Baker

Cheryl Harris-Dean

Francisco Fargas

Tod Roulette



Standing Committees

Building & Grounds


Finance Committee: 



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